our Classes
We offer classes and small groups with intentional engagement in order to grow our families, our personal lives and our relationships in the powerful love of Jesus Christ.
What We
All-Church Immersion:
Matthew 5-7,
"Sermon on the Mount"
Beginning September 15
This versatile approach allows for deep study or meditation, perfect for individuals, families, or small groups. All are invited. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you!
Guide: Click Here to Download
Time: Sundays, 9-10 AM
Location: Fireside Room
Senior Adult Sunday School
Join Rich Broeker to study the Word and discuss various topics.
Time: Sundays, 8:30-9:45 AM
Location: Lecture Room
Treasured Times: They Were Like Us: Women of the Bible, by Susan Peaslee Beginning September 10
Women in the Bible had families, feelings, faced disappointments and failures...This book gives each of the women represented a voice that is uniquely their own...While each woman's story comes straight from the Bible, this is a work of fiction, mixed with the realities of life that we as women face each day.
Come for breakfast and women's Bible Study. Led by Judy Doty.
Time: 9-10:30 AM
Location: Activity Room
Book Required: $10
Men's Group Life
Meet for a men's small group, going further in depth from topics from Sunday's message. Led by James Blanford.
Time: Wednesdays 6:30-8 PM
Location: Commons
Women's Book Study:
Thrive - Living Faithfully
in Difficult Times by
Jennifer Cowart
Beginning October 2
Women will find inspiration and tools around six traits:​
Wisdom - Using a heavenly perspective on earthly issues
Action - Living a life where actions match faith
Control - Taming the tongue
Humility - Developing the attitude
of Christ
Prayer - Exercising the power tool of the faith.
If you have questions, or to sign up, email Moyra at teachercares4kids@msn.com.
Time: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM
Location: Fireside Room
Book Required: (Amazon)
Adult Sunday School
Rod Iverson and team dive into the Word using the Nazarene Adult Faith Quarterly Curriculum.
Time: Sundays, 8:30-9:45 AM
Location: Upper Room
Adult Group Life
Join Vern Bolte and discuss plans from the YouVersion Bible App!
Time: Sundays, 8:45-9:45 AM
Location: Activity Room
Faith Builders: Men's Bible Study, the Book of Romans.
Join us for breakfast and a men's Bible Study. Led by Walt Davenport.
Time: Wednesdays, 8-10 AM
Location: Upper Room
Women's Group Life:
Closer Than Your Next Breath, by Susie Larson
This group life community is for women who want to live life together while learning more and more about Jesus and how to apply that to their lives.
For questions or to sign up, please email Amy Horjus at horjusamy@yahoo.com, or
Sharon Mattson at
Time: Every other Wednesday, 6:30-8 PM
Location: Activity Room (please enter using the wooden stairs between the main building and the gym)
Book Required: $13.49 (Amazon)
Get connected
If you're interested in finding a mid-week Group Life community, contact Tere at tbabcock@pnconline.org