Welcome To PNC

Puyallup Nazarene Church is not just a building or an organization, we are a community of Christ-followers seeking to love God and love the world around us. We have no desire to judge you or the walk that has led you to reading these words. We have a hope in Jesus that there is love greater, deeper, more sacrificial and redemptive than any other. That love comes through the forgiveness of our sins and access to a very real relationship with God thanks to the Father creating us, Jesus dying on the cross and raising up from the grave, and the Holy Spirit guiding us as much as we will pay attention.
We want to be a church community for the communities we live in as well as the rest of the world. Part of being Nazarene is caring for the physical, emotional, and social needs of those we encounter every day. You are invited to be a part of God's redemptive story and walk alongside a community that seeks to love others in extravagant and unexpected ways.